In 23rd may, 2012, Cam Nguyen Rice Milling and Trading One Member Company Limited already signed the Contract with VEV Construction Consultants to re-design the Silo Foundation and Structre of 3 group of Rice Silo 3 x1000 ton and drying rooms. The Solutions of VEV had been highly evaluated by Customer and save cost approximately 30% in compared with the previous design. The design of this project had been completed within 1 month and came into bidding.
Company Activities
Loc An 2012 Experiment
After the time for hard-working, on the date 19th and 20th of May, VEV start to relax at Loc AN Resort together. Herein the historical pictures to record the relax activities.

A modern twisting vehicle
The waving hand of Loc An
Pool View Snapshot
Take me to the river…
Swinging on the small ships
Loc AN seaside
The next generation
The Management Board of VEV 25 years later
“X-men First Class”
Waiting Daddy….
Swimming without wings
Pretty women of VEV
Sport and Culture Activities
The romantic second of Director
Singing from bottom of heart
“Formula 1”
Nice shot Competition
Boral Factory Upgrade Project
On 13 May, 2012, the BORAL GYPSUM VIETNAM Group decided to use the Trademark BORAL as the official trademark for all gypsum product of Group in Vietnam, alternative for the trademark LAGYP in the past, after BORAL completed to occupy more than 50% of Lafarge in the Joint Venture Lafarge Boral Gypsum Asia. Together with this activity, Boral decided to upgrade the gypsum factory in Hiep Phuoc Industrial park up to 45 mil sqm per year and install he second line of metal frame production.
Boral officially start the Factory Upgrade and New Office project currently with investment more than 30 mil USD. Viet Engineering Value Consultants is very proud to become the Consultants of Main EPC Contractor CIC 5 for his project. The design activity plan to complete in Middle of August for Construction Ground Breaking Ceremony.
Ground Breaking Ceremony Project: Gsp Veterinary Store of Saigon V.E.T
Location: Anova Group – Long an Province.
After the time for design and tender, on the date 21, April , 2012, at the Construction Site, the Owner ( Anova Corp and SAIGON VET), Contractor ( Gia Thuy) and Consultants ( VEV) had made the Ground breaking ceremony to start the Construction Work. The 3,000 sqm building for Complexity of Medical Store, Cooling and Cold Store would been completed within 4.5 months. This building had been designed a high standard of GSP ( Good Storage Practice) of WHO.
Mr Nguyen Truong Hai ( GD of VEV) and the Head of Supervisor of VEV pray and incense for a luck work.
Mr Hieu ( Representative of Anova group ) and the Project Manager of Gia Thuy pray and incense for a luck work.
The Piling Work start right after the Ground Breaking Ceremony.