On the beginning of July , 2015, a good new has come to our VEV Consultants. The project: Fashion Garment factory Expansion in Tan Phu IP, Dong Nai Province, which was designed by us, has been completed in Construction and awarded the LEED Platinum Certificate of USGBC ( US Green Building Council).Platinum class is the highest class, only certified for the sustainable ,friendly  environmental and high energy saving  project achieved more than 80 credit points on total 110 points. This project achieves 84 credit points, which focuses  on the suitable architectural shape, overhangs and shading, heat urban island effect prevention, storm water and waste water recycling for landscaping irrigation and sanitary cleaning,    energy saving more than 35% in comparison with baseline model, most of material with high density of recycling, and creating a goof indoor air quality for worker in field of thermal and illumination. We would like to send the congratulation to the Owner. IN Phase 1, the previous factory of Owner already achieve the LEED Gold certificate, but the Owner still upgrade themselves by pursuing the PLATINUM certificate target for the new factory in Expansion Phase. It create more challenges with our Architects and Engineers, but the result is worthy. It is the first LEED PLATINUM Project in Industrial Field of Vietnam. IN the current time, VEV just complete a design of new project of Germany Owner in leather garment factory in Long Hau IP with the LEED Platinum target also. VEV proves that the Green Building Design with high international standards and benchmarks is not impossible with Vietnamese Designer.